- 曲:現代詩集366 (原曲)
- 詞:馬錦興
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副: 榮耀神的名!傳揚神豐盛!差遣我作祢的精兵!榮耀神的名!同承擔使命!緊靠祢的必得勝!獻這生宣講天國正在徐徐步近,爭取分秒搶救靈魂,同立志為祢作見證,榮耀神的名!
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There is none like You
There is none like You, No one else can touch my heart like You do. I could search for all eternity long and find there is none like You. Your mercy flows like a river wide, and healing comes from Your hands. Suffering children are safe in your arms; There is none like You.…
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