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There is none like You
There is none like You, No one else can touch my heart like You do. I could search for all eternity long and find there is none like You. Your mercy flows like a river wide, and healing comes from Your hands. Suffering children are safe in your arms; There is none like You.…
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副歌: 無可替代,是祢犧牲的愛,來到俗世一生嘗透憂、傷、痛、哀;無可替代是祢犧牲的愛,呈獻贖祭捨身大愛,傳頌千百代。
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1. 君尊的主竟釘身十架,滴滴寶血為我罪灑,汗和淚在流下,我主誠然擔當我罪代價,犧牲的愛竟為我賜下。
2. 君尊的主竟釘身十架,滴滴寶血為我罪灑,汗和淚在流下,我主誠然擔當我罪代價,祢的真愛叫我心驚訝!
3. 讚美祢十架彰顯憐憫,浩大恩典令我震撼!高唱祢是榮耀!救恩全然粉碎世上罪困,犧牲的愛是祢的深恩。
4. 讚美祢十架彰顯憐憫,浩大恩典令我震撼!高唱祢是榮耀!救恩全然粉碎世上罪困,我一生要高舉祢大能。
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** 1-4節只可獻唱,5-8節會眾唱。…
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